FROST Survival Simulator Wiki

We were smugglers. Trafficked questionable packages for questionable people. He was the head of the operation; [...]

Troy Bishop is a character in Fallout: FROST.


In trying to circumvent anticipated difficulties shipping his testing subject "HD-R4" for further examination to their sister lab in Oslo, Dr. Richard Lerna shortly before the Great War, tasked Troy Bishop and his band of smugglers with transporting, what was initially only known to them as "the package".

While initially Troy Bishop may not have been aware of the exact nature of his contraband, he tried to blackmail Lerna into increasing his pay, after learning, that HR-D4 was, in fact, a human being.

Having lost his leverage on Lerna due to the ship carrying his contraband, the FMS Columbia, sinking during the nuclear bombing near Spectacle Island after Lerna suddenly ordererd HR-D4 to be returned, he is betrayed by his associate Marcus Ischar, and presumably killed together with his remaining crew in the ensuing firefight aboard the wreck of the Liberty VI.
